2.1 Definition: only that part that is hung up over the playing court between the sidelines. The length of the net may
be defined by two round poles of metal or plastic, which support the net on the lines. The poles are part of the net.
2.2 The net is tensioned at both ends so that its top part extends 110 cm over the playing court surface all the way across
the playing court. The maximum permissible height deviation of the net is + 2 cm. The distance between the lowermost
edge of the net and the playing court surface is not more than 20 cm. The height of the net for children up to 15 is 100 cm.
Should the net subside during the play (a supporting pole will fall or the tensioning cable will break) under the height limit
permitted; the referee rules a "new ball".
3. Ball
3.1 Official IFTA-ball parameters:
construction: glued, 32 panels, color: black and white, material: synthetic (natural) leather, weight: 396-453 g, circumference:
680-710 mm, height of rebound: 660-720 mm, inflation: 60-65 kPa. The height of rebound is measured on the Kistler plate by
having the ball fall from a height of one (1) meter with the valve facing up.
4. Start of play
4.1 The team (player) who wins the toss has the option to choose either the side or the service.
4.2 In case of drawn sets before the third set it is the option of that team (player) to choose the side or the service
who - after adding up obtained points - possesses higher number of winning points. Only in case of equal number of winning
points the toss is carried out.
5. Service
5.1 A service is executed by kicking the ball by foot from the zone behind the base line, outside the playing court.
5.2 The way of serving: kicking the ball by foot on the volley, after ball rebound, drop-kick or right from the ground.
Neither the ball nor the foot shall touch the playing court (including the lines) when a service is being executed. The ball
shall be released from hand(s) or lay on the ground for servicing.
5.3 The service shall be carried out within 5 seconds from the moment the referee gives the order to start the play.
5.4 The ball shall cross the net and land on the opponent's service zone.
5.5 The service is repeated, if the ball touches the net and lands on the opponent's service zone.
5.6 The team (player) who scores a point always carries out the service.
5.7 The players of the opponent's team shall not touch the ball until it has touched their own half of the playing court.
6. Ball in play
6.1 The maximum number of ball drops on the ground:
singles: 1, doubles: 2, triplets: 2. During the play, the player does not have to let the ball drop down onto the ground
(except for the opponent's service).
6.2 The maximum number of ball touches by the player: singles: 2, doubles: 3, triplets 3. The player may touch the ball
with any part of his body except for arm and hand. With the exception of singles, the player is not allowed to touch the ball
twice in succession. The minimum number of touches of the ball by player before the ball crosses the net is one (1).
6.3 If played correctly by the player, the ball shall touch the ground in the playing court only.
6.4 The service is repeated ("new ball"), if a foreign object touches the ball or the playing court.
6.5 None of the players is allowed to touch the net (even after the ball has been finished).
6.6 The ball is played correctly, only if it crosses the net to land into the opponent's playing court (see Rule 2.1).
6.7 In the play, the player's body is permitted to push the opponent's leg that is put out over the net into the own half
of the playing court. However, it is not permitted to do that with arm or leg.
6.8 If two opposing players touch the ball over the net at the same time ("dead ball") and the ball ends out of the playing
court, the service is repeated.
6.9 If two opposing players touch the ball over the net at the same time ("dead ball"), the play continues provided that
the ball touches the ground within the playing court. In such a case, however, the player who played the dead ball may also
play the ball.
6.10 The player may play the ball over the opponent's part of the playing court, if standing or taking off and then landing
in his own playing court.
6.11 The player may play the ball in his own half of the playing area only.
6.12 The player may touch the opponent's leg after he has played the ball.
7. Scoring a point, winning a set and the match
7.1 The team (player) wins a point if the opponent commits a fault, each such a fault being one point.
7.2 All the disciplines (singles, doubles and triplets) are played up to two (2) winning set. The team (player) who first
scores 11 points with a minimum lead of two (2) points (11:9) wins a set. Otherwise the play is continued until the lead of
two points is achieved (12:10, 13:11, etc.).
8. Time-out and player substitution
8.1 Each team (doubles, triplets) is entitled to one (1) 30-second time out per set, after the coach (player) has requested
that from the referee.
8.2 Each player (single) is entitled to 2 (two) 30-seconds time-outs per set after the coach (player) has requested that
from the referee.
8.3 Each team is entitled - except for singles - to substitute players twice per set.
8.4 The referee is entitled at any time in the course of the set to declare "referee's time out" to remove obstacles of
any nature.
9. Faults resulting in loss of point
9.1 The team (player) loses a point if the ball touches its court twice in sequence without being touched by player.
9.2 The team (player) loses a point, if the ball bounced off the court surface and crossed the net to the opponent's court
without having been touched by the player.
9.3 The team (player) loses a point, if they (he) did not allow the ball served by the opponent to land in their (his)
own service zone (i.e., if they played the ball on the volley).
9.4 The team (player) loses a point, if a (the) player touches the net by any part of his body. The service is repeated
if the net is touched by both opponents simultaneously.
9.5 The team loses a point, if a player has made one of the following faults when the ball is being served:
a) he touches either the base line or a side line extended backwards with the ball or his foot supporting the weight of
his body when a service is being executed,
b) A co-player touches the ball being served and flying to the opponents court,
c) the ball lands outside the service zone on the opponent's court.
9.6 A player touches the ball with hand or arm (loss of point).
9.7 The ball played by a player travels to the opponent outside the net (loss of point).
9.8 The ball played by a player lands outside the opponent's playing court (loss of point).
9.9 The ball is played by a player over the opponent's playing court and the player does not stand or takes off and does
not land within his own court (loss of point).
9.10 When played in a hall: if the ball touches a part of the hall or its equipment (ceiling, walls, rings, etc.), it is
a fault made by the player who touched the ball last (loss of point).
9.11 A player holds or pushes his opponent with his hand(s).
9.12 A player plays the ball twice in sequence (loss of point; applies to doubles and triplets).
9.13 A player plays the ball on the opponent's playing court (loss of point).
9.14 The opponent's player touches the ball before the ball is touched by a player in whose playing court the ball has
touched the court surface (a loss of point in favor of the opponent).
9.15 A player touches an opponent player's head arm or body by his moving foot/leg (loss of point).
10. Misconduct and sanctions
10.1 If a player exceeded the limit of 5 seconds for serving:
- first delay: warning
- second delay: loss of point.
10.2 Unsportsmanlike conduct (protests, claims, deliberate playing the ball to hit the referee, kicking the ball away,
delaying the play, holding and pushing the opponent, abusive language, improper gesturing, etc. by players, coaches, team
- for the first time: warning
- for the second time: loss of point.
10.3 Depending on how rude the misconduct is (Rule 10.2), a player is sanctioned by yellow or red car, and the third warning
results in expulsion.
10.4 An expelled player may be substituted by another player (doubles, triplets). With singles, the opponent wins the match
2:0 (11:0, 11:0) by default or all the matches in the group are canceled.
11. Player's equipment and protests
11.1 Players of one team shall use uniform playing suits if not they are allowed to play by the referee.
11.2 When the play is interrupted, the team captain or coach has the right to raise hand to deliver their protest(s) to
the referee and ask a question about the interpretation of the rules. The referee's decision is final.
11.3 Protests, if any, are dealt with in compliance with the competition schedule, when the match is over. A final decision
is up to IFTA's court of arbitration.
12. Miscellaneous
12.1 The respective control authority of IFTA competitions deals with other disputable issues.II. Special characteristics:
II. Special characteristics: singles
1. Playing court
1.1 The two halves of the playing court 8.2 x 6.4 m are divided by a middle line into two halves of the same size (service
zone 4.1 x 6.4 m).
5. Service
5.1 A service may be executed only from the space behind the base line, between the middle and sidelines. A service shall
be executed diagonally from the right or left, depending on the own number of points scored: from the right, if the number
is even (0:0, 2:1, 4:6, etc.), from the left if the number is odd (1:0, 1:1, 1:2, 3:2, etc.). The ball shall land in the opponent's
service zone.
6. Ball in play
6.1 The player may touch the ball twice in sequence before the ball crosses the net.
8. Time-out and substitution
8.1 No substitution is allowed in singles matches.
III. Special characteristics: doubles
1. Playing court
1.1 One half of the playing court is 8.2(max 9) x 9 m in dimensions. None of the two-service zone is divided - its dimensions
are 8.2 x 6.4 m.
5. Service
5.1 Any player serving the ball into the opponents whole service zone may execute a service only from the space behind
the base line, between the sidelines.
6. Ball in play
6.1 There shall be one touch of the ball by the player between two drops of the ball on the ground.
8. Time-out and substitution
8.1 The team consists of three players of whom two shall be always playing and one is their substitute. The third one may
substitute the players in play.
IV. Special characteristics: triplets
1. Playing court
1.1 One half of the playing court is 8.2(max 9) x 9 m in dimensions. None of the two service zones is divided - its dimensions
are 8.2 x 6.4 m.
5. Service
5.1 Any player serving the ball into the opponents whole service zone may execute a service only from the space behind
the base line, between the sidelines.
6. Ball in play
6.1 There shall be one touch of the ball by the player between two drops of the ball on the ground.
8. Time-out and substitution
8.1 The team consists of five players of whom three shall be always playing and two are their substitutes. Substitution
can be carried out twice in a set; one substitution may involve two players at the same time.
IFTA Congress - Paris, 1999 / IFTA Congress - Oslo, 2000